Ingredient Details - Hyaluronic Acid

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Ingredient Details - Hyaluronic Acid
INCI - Sodium Hyaluronate
Function: Humectant
CAS #: 9067-32-7
EC #: N/A

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a slippery substance that your body produces naturally. Scientists have found hyaluronic acid throughout the body, especially in eyes, joints and skin. HA is often produced by fermenting certain types of bacteria (vegan variety). Rooster combs are also sometimes used as a source. (non-vegen variety).

Hyaluronic acid functions in skin products as a skin conditioning agent. It exhibits remarkable anti-wrinkle, anti-nasolabial fold, anti-aging, space-filling, and face rejuvenating properties.

It achieves this via soft tissue augmentation, improved skin hydration, collagen and elastin stimulation, and face volume restoration.

Hyaluronic acid helps skin stretch and flex and reduces skin wrinkles and lines. Hyaluronic acid is also proven to help wounds heal faster and can reduce scarring.

References: CosIng, FDA, PubMed-1, PubMed-2